Best price and efficient eBook Conversion Services offered by ebooktoepub.com. With the increase in demand of ebooks, readers prefer carrying an ebook reading device to go through their books rather than carrying hard copies. This has forced authors and publishers in a way to start selling their books, after converting them in formats like ePub, Kindle, Mobipocket, MS Reader etc. To overcome this solution in a cost effective way, we provide high quality ebook conversion services which has helped authors and publishers over years to sell ebooks on various e-publishing platforms.

Our professionals possess profound knowledge in the field of ebook conversion process which has kept us ahead in working with different file formats. Regardless of formatting issues appearing in the book, related to complex table of contents, end notes, foot notes and number of images, we can convert any type of input format i.e. MS Word, PDF, hard book or Magazines to Kindle, Mobipocket, MS Reader, Nook, ePub or any other format. Such tasks can be executed by our conversion professionals in no time.

ePub Conversion

EPUB short for electronic publication is an open book standard by IDPF (International Digital Publishing Platform) and it has a file extension of .epub. ePub has become one of the formats widely used by ebook readers on electronic devices like iPad, Android devices, Bares and Noble Nook, BeBook, Sony Reader, Kobo eReader etc. ePub is designed for organized flow of content so the text can be optimized as per the device targeted by the reader. It also supports fixed layout format, so a publisher can use a single format for all publications, distributions and sale.

Kindle Conversion

Due to increase in requirement of ebooks, publishers and authors are optimizing to improve sale of ebooks in all available formats of which Amazon's Kindle has now entered in their fourth generation. Amazon Kindle enables its readers to download, browse, shop and read books, magazines, newspapers, blogs and other digital media available. Kindle uses .mobi file format and using our kindle conversion services publishers and authors can distribute their media at affordable rates.

Mobipocket Conversion

Mobipocket conversion is similar to kindle conversion service we provide and our skilled professionals who possess thorough knowledge of conversion process can execute Mobipocket conversion in no time. We are capable of handling complex conversions including images, tables, charts, end notes, foot notes, graphs and fonts in different formatting layout.

MS Reader Conversion

MS reader is a program developed by Microsoft for reading ebooks. Microsoft Reader is available as a free program to run on Windows and pocket Pc's compatible with windows mobile devices. Microsoft reader displays the books in .lit (literature) format which can be purchased and downloaded from online stores. As an ebook conversion service provider, we offer .lit ms reader conversion services to serve ebook conversion requirement for yet another platform. We are highly capable to convert word, pdf and any editable document to ms reader .lit format.